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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chapter 18 - Things Lost, Better Things Gained

"Standing in the place of repentance"

This truth/teaching has been lost in many of our evangelical churches today.  It has been replaced with a "soft" gospel and "step" systems to work out your problems. 
There is much healing to be had in true repentance, turning away from and heading into the new that Christ affords us with His death. 

"His chiseling is full of truth that sets me free."

I prefer the translation that says "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV)  Being made free is much more a process than being "set" free and I believe wholeheartedly that He that began a good work in you (Phil 1:6) will continue a good work in you as you surrender to Him.  A process that works in us daily.


Lisha said...

In all honesty, this book has really got to me. I find myself irritable with it all, but I think that's just more evidence that Lysa's right on and I do need to deal with this issue in my life.

I was astounded that lab rats show signs of addiction to junk food. No wonder this gets so hard! If I'm honest, I'm a junk food junkie and everywhere I turn my drug of choice is within easy grasp. In fact, others offer it to me. "Would you like a cookie?" "There's some ice cream sandwiches in the freezer." "Take a couple chocolates." This has really impacted me today. I DON'T want to be an addict.

I need that place of repentance. First and foremost for my hissy-fit attitude about the whole thing. I think that's where my irritation has come from. I've struggled with an I-don't-want-to mentality. I've beat myself up plenty throughout it all too. So I think it's time to drag my beat-up carcass to the foot of the cross and pray.

Faith said...

I am there with you sister in Christ, my sentiments exactly. I am still at the getting the I want to to be doing this book-putting what I learn into practice. Denying myself the stuff I have been giving into and turning to the Cross and repenting and turning from the bad eating habits. Especially this week beings I went out of town on Monday and Tuesday was my Birthday. I did give in I have to admit but I feel I have the moderation thing down its just seeking God and craving him instead of the junk food. Changing my eating habits to healthy ones that I want to do but I need to want it bad enough to change. I am making prayers she shares in her book my prayers daily.