The Book of Ruth
I did my first "study" of this small four chapter book last summer.
Since then I have listened to different teachers, commentaries and messages about "Ruth".....always gleaning yet another fascinating nugget.
It is my desire to share this with others.
As I was discussing it with my husband he offered the challenge......
"Why don't you write your own study, combining this information?"
I gulped, my heart raced and my mind roared!
I had already considered the idea,
now maybe I needed to put "wheels" on it.
So now, I'm considering this as our first fall study.
I hope to be presenting it locally to a group of ladies
as well as here in blog format.
My target date is Sept 12th.
At this time I'm not sure we will need books,
except your Bibles.
I pray you all had a great summer.
Looking forward to shifting back into a routine.